• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 303 from 2005/11/21
    From: UK

    however it will not run Windows and "but it can run MorphOS!" is really, really not a selling point to anyone.

    There are two points here:

    1. Eee shipped with Linux/QT didn't it ? Has that stopped shipping now ? It seems to me that the market is there if you have the right product.

    2. If mainstream consumers accepted this "weird Linux" thing rather than their beloved Windows then MorphOS potentially could be a suitable netbook OS. Although it's far from being ready. Us MorphOS users can dream about that.


    Linus Torvalds just switched back from KDE to GNOME

    Mr Torvalds says many things. Perhaps he had corn flakes for breakfast today instead of toast and jam.

    If you are stuck for a fast Linux desktop for low power devices then there are a number of available projects, some of which are quite mature. For example, you could easily go for QT embedded/QT Palmtop Environment as in Eee or Sharp Zaurus; then there is UME (is that what you are referring to ?) and also LXDE. Linux users are not waiting for "another 6-9 months" just to get a usable desktop.

    By the way, I appreciate you dropping in to enlighten us on the present situation. It's just a shame that Genesi is still so far from a new product that we might enjoy.
  • »26.01.09 - 04:59