Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 301 from 2003/2/24
From: Genesi
I was really sad Genesi didn't make any upgrade for the Pegasos 2.
We Amigans used to buy accelerators, and expand our computers.
It seems this is not business any more, we are a small amount of users.
It's not a business. It is also not economical for users. The proposed 7447A and 7448 upgrades would have given very little performance difference. Since the bus speed of the Discovery II was 133MHz, all you get is clock speed - 1.4Ghz or 1.6Ghz at the top end for these chips.
Therefore, given the pricing of the 7447A and 7448, making your system 50% faster would cost more than the Pegasos itself to end-users. They would also have generated more than 50% extra heat and required heavier cooling solutions (bplan did have a passive 7447A cooler that would have worked though, tested up to 1.4Ghz).
Making a computer from scratch costs a lot of money. Ok.
What about a PowerPC PCI-e card?
It would cost about the same to make as a new computer from scratch, since it would also be.. from scratch.
The best options for putting a co-processor on a PCI-e card would be something of the MPC83xx class (8349E, 8378E) which tops out at 600Mhz. After that you have to cool it like a graphics card. It would also have to be a very complicated software driver to enable it to work - especially when thinking of displays etc. and transferring data between PC host and target PCIe.
What has ARM to do with MorphOS?
Nothing, but why does everything Genesi does have to have anything to do with MorphOS?
You might note the "how many registrations" thread and extrapolate how much money MorphOS has made in the last 8 months and decide if working with MorphOS can fund everything that you want to use MorphOS.
[ Edited by Neko on 2009/1/25 18:50 ]
Matt Sealey, Genesi USA, Inc.
Developer Relations
Product Development Analyst