Posts: 80 from 2009/1/19
My original thoughts were on a new board but very good sources indicate economically impossible below 1000 unit quantities. They are expert in this area so I believe them. This is too bad because Morph's only hardware future seems to be a limitied quantity of Genesi boards or Mac machines.
So setting the hardware topic aside....What is the roadmap for MorphOS? As stated in my last post, it is a well designed OS that has distinct advantages and in my opinion a great candidate for mobile computing devices. Why go to the hassles of running complicated operating systems on small devices? Morph becoming a great featured OS requiring very little hardware overhead. Big mystery to me...
My A3000, despite its age, surprises most non-Amiga people I show it to, including hardcore intel-microsoft lovers. Their belief is that it is too old to be any good. They always end up surprised when I turn it on and take them for a spin. These PC people can't seem to believe that a 25mhz-16mb machine can do the things it does. Impossible they say! That was the genius behind the original and a genius recaptured and perfected by Morph.
Well I now have the Amiga Blues again so I will stop. Thanks for the discussion!
»25.01.09 - 14:18