Posts: 80 from 2009/1/19
Yes a new board "based" on Pegasos, but not actual clone. Such board would use as many design aspects as possible from Peg but deviate in the ways I described.
The critical thing with original Pegasos, in my opinion, is an already optimized MC7447 - Marvell 2 interface.
I loosely spec the Marvell 6 because it is the easiest way to obtain modern device support (like SATA, PCI-e and USB2) I would not settle for anything less when going through this kind of new board design effort.
What I am getting at is - a decent board can be built using the original Peg as a "reference". The two best performing Morph platforms happen to be 7447 based (Peg and potential Mac Mini) It seems very likely that Morph would be ported to other Mac G4 variations. All of this is very cool, because in my opinion, the more machines Morph runs on, the better. Porting to Mac obviously easier than inventing new hardware as I am outlining here.
This new board idea I outline is a stab at hardware independence. Maybe the 7447 isn't the greatest anymore but it is still capable and is cheap. I do not think plunging directly into 86xx based CPU's is a wise idea. Easier to update Peg design in my opinion. Other than getting potentially screwed by upcoming USB3, the board would have a feature base that should enable it to have an OK lifespan.
All of this is of course just my humble opinion. I thought it wise to let Morph community have input in the matter, hence my posting.
»24.01.09 - 12:43