Paladin of the Pegasos
Posts: 1346 from 2003/6/8
From: USA California
"For years our country has been torn apart by politics that exploit our differences rather than celebrate our common values. But tomorrow morning, regardless of who wins this election, we will be faced with an opportunity to come together as a nation. This is an opportunity we must reject. Look at the facts, after decades of apathy, this election, filled with partisan ranker, marks at the highest voter turn out since 1968, when our country was also bitterly divided. The biggest mistake we made back then, quelling those street riots. They were just America's way of letting democracy it cared. So to those who call for a return to civilized discourse I say, shut your ugly cake whole fatty and think of what we would loose. Our identities have become wholly defendant on rejecting each other. For who am I if not, not you, fatty. It's to late to turn back, ours is now an anger based economy. I see a glorious tomorrow where hybrid vehicles run half on gasoline and half on seething hate, I call it, rage-ohol. Join me in the future, for the future belongs to the furious. Remember, a house divided against itself, is what we call here in New York, a duplex. -Steven Colbert
"Poundsmack, official morphzone thread creator" -LorD
"Wanna be lord of the avatars." -JKD