To bbrv: PegI->PegII-upgrade? & G4-questions
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 73 from 2003/5/14
    Hello bbrv,

    in the past I bought a PegasosI G3-600
    (April2-fix) and I'm very happy with it,
    but You know, You never have
    enough power ;o).

    I think about a PegasosII with G4, because
    I want to have AltiVec... ;o)

    As I bought my PegI, You said there will be
    an upgrade possibility.
    Will there be an special offer in the next time?

    Another question: Is there a possibilty to passivly cool the G4, that is build on the
    G4-PegII-CPU-module atm (without water cooling)
    or will there be another G4-version in the
    next time, that is passivly coolable?

    Thanks and Regards, Henri
  • »14.11.04 - 09:05
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 279 from 2003/2/24
    From: Wiltshire, UK
    I hope there will be, because I intend to upgrade soon too!

    From what I have heard, once the current deal with a couple of very large companies has been fulfilled then any extra boards will be made available to us for upgrade purposes. I intend to ask BBRV to ear-mark one of those with a G4 for me as a trade-up.
    Bifford the Youngest

    My Website at:
  • »14.11.04 - 14:54
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2003/2/14
    From: Earth
    1. We will do this.

    2. We will make the option available to the individuals we feel benefit the future of the platform FIRST.

    It will not happen until Q1 2005.

    R&B :-)
  • »14.11.04 - 21:45
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 279 from 2003/2/24
    From: Wiltshire, UK
    Hi BBRV!

    Thats great that you'r still willing to keep your promise! :)

    Im unsure as to what your "no2" point is refering to? is it the question about passive cooling or my point about when availability will occur?

    I'm perfectly happy waiting till the beginning of next year for my PegII - hell - Ive got to start buying Xmas pressies first, and I need to buy a laptop....and then in January Im pretty certain I'll be going into business for myself..all of that needs money so the peg can wait a short while longer....;-)

    Many thanks again for your support. Oh, and i need a pegII so i can review it and altivec support in Total Amiga Magazine! ;-) hehehehe (next issue due out soon btw)

    Bifford the Youngest

    My Website at:
  • »14.11.04 - 21:58
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
    I think that #2 is referring to the fact that there might be some people that could contribute to the general advancement of the platform more than others, like certain developers for example. Those people will be the first on the list to recieve the offer.

    BTW, there are *three* months in Q1, not just January ;-)
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »14.11.04 - 22:07
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 287 from 2003/2/24
    From: France
    I think taht #2 is referring to this thread and the response of BBRV...
    If you want your upgrade, don't ask questions and don't make trouble to the king.
    Proud user of MorphOS since 2003 !
  • »14.11.04 - 22:17
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2003/2/14
    From: Earth
    BatteMan, I think you missed the point...(it must be a French thing ;-) ). We would consider you in the FIRST group, because you are an avid supporter.

    It is not a matter of asking questions. Smart people need smart answers. That is one of the reasons we used to post so much. To make the best decision, it is simply a matter of collecting all the information (that is unless you are a moron :-) ). The way things are going now and the way they seem like they are headed, if the MorphOS (and Amiga) community does not understand the possibilities and are not doing the best they can, then they can only blame themselves for "missing the train."

    We have planned for 1000 upgrades in the new business plan and you will certainly be one of those.

    R&B :-)
  • »14.11.04 - 23:44
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  • Leo
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 419 from 2003/8/18
    @bbrv: is there a place for phreeboard owners in these 1000 ones ?

    Nah... I was just dreaming, sorry :)

    Anyway, nice to see dates and numbers: that's far better than the usual "maybe", "when we'll be ready",...

    Nothing hurts a project more than developers not taking the time to let their community know what is going on.
  • »15.11.04 - 00:20
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