X5000 MorphOS Youtube video.
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 723 from 2004/2/10
    TJ just posted a X5000 and MorphOS YT.

    X5000 and MorphOS 3.19

    Great video TJ! Thanks for posting content for MorphOS.

    You beat Chris Edwards to the draw with a 3.19 YT :)
  • »20.03.25 - 14:42
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2023/12/1
    Hope folks enjoy it.

    I plan on making videos of my adventures as I go along, the good, the bad, and give MorphOS an honest shake.

    More to come as I get to know MorphOS better.

  • »20.03.25 - 14:48
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 601 from 2007/7/29
    I think you want to promote MorphOS but when you don't know much then it is not so good to show that in the video and put it online. Not for you and not for MorphOS. You say in the video that you don't know what the programs are (ShowCase and others). There are only two icons in the directorxy. One for the program and one for the PDF documentation. Why don't you just open the PDF and read it? Best before you make the video.
  • »21.03.25 - 09:25
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2023/12/1
    Howdy Connor, sorry you did not enjoy my video.

    The nice thing about taking an adventure is we each have our own ways to head out. Some read every little thing about the place they go taking hours before they even unbox the device. Others read nothing and just plow in. Then there are some in the middle, like me, reading just the basics about the global platform but not the nitty gritty of each and every place I will adventure to.

    The way I do videos is as if you are with me taking the adventure for the 1st time, looking over my shoulder at what I see, and explore together.

    I like to do a general look at most of the places in the OS and then go back and explore each so I better understand what each do.

    I DON'T like to read about each corner before I venture there as I like to be surprised as I go and then I explore it later more in depth.

    So yes, I am the type that throws myself into a Lions Den in both gaming and anything I do, exploring as I go, then go back since my Lions don't eat me on my 1st go. haha

    I would invite you to make some videos the way you like them and I am sure myself and many would enjoy them, as we ach like to teach and show differently.

    If you have a YouTube Channel that shows this already, please point me to it. I am just learning MorphOS now and I am sure it would be of use for me.

    If you don't, then maybe now is the time to show off your skills and we can all benefit from your style of MorphOS adventuring.


    connor wrote:
    I think you want to promote MorphOS but when you don't know much then it is not so good to show that in the video and put it online. Not for you and not for MorphOS. You say in the video that you don't know what the programs are (ShowCase and others). There are only two icons in the directorxy. One for the program and one for the PDF documentation. Why don't you just open the PDF and read it? Best before you make the video.

    [ Edited by amigasociety 21.03.2025 - 07:20 ]
  • »21.03.25 - 15:18
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 601 from 2007/7/29
    I don't have a channel and video equipment. I watched your video because it was posted here. I did not say "read all the manuals before you power it on". I also don't. Like you I open a program and see what it does. Then I play around with it and try to learn what it does. So I am curious when starting a program and don't know what to do with it. Then I take a look in the documentation. "Ah, it's an image processing program. Look I can load a picture and apply a filter to it. Now it makes sense". That would be of more use to the watcher, because I think you make the video for the watchers. Especially when the guide or readme is the icon next to the program icon and just one mouse click away. Otherwise it's more like "look, I can start this program. I have no clue what it does, so I close it and open the next one and then the next one". I don't say you have to do it different. I just dsay what would be more attractive for me to watch your videos. And I like that you try to learn MorphOS and make it more visible.
  • »21.03.25 - 15:58
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2023/12/1
    Fully understand.

    What I tend to do is go back and make more videos as I explore each of those things I click on and recap back to when I clicked it for the 1st time, thought it was this, this is now what I find it to be, and then take the watcher into how it works, if I find it is something I will use as well as others.

    I just take a slower adventure is all as I work through my journey. My video was already getting quite long so I wanted to peruse quickly, launch and see if I can quickly make heads or tails of it, and move on. Otherwise the video would be really long. hah

    I know it is not for everyone but how I like to make videos and explore new things. Allows me to show some of my personality and silliness I do during my videos.

    But I get it, if I knew what each was before I clicked it would be more informative but that will come, just later in my cycle of things.

    Anyway, I get what ya mean. Thanks for watching it though.



    connor wrote:
    I don't have a channel and video equipment. I watched your video because it was posted here. I did not say "read all the manuals before you power it on". I also don't. Like you I open a program and see what it does. Then I play around with it and try to learn what it does. So I am curious when starting a program and don't know what to do with it. Then I take a look in the documentation. "Ah, it's an image processing program. Look I can load a picture and apply a filter to it. Now it makes sense". That would be of more use to the watcher, because I think you make the video for the watchers. Especially when the guide or readme is the icon next to the program icon and just one mouse click away. Otherwise it's more like "look, I can start this program. I have no clue what it does, so I close it and open the next one and then the next one". I don't say you have to do it different. I just dsay what would be more attractive for me to watch your videos. And I like that you try to learn MorphOS and make it more visible.

    [ Edited by amigasociety 21.03.2025 - 08:15 ]
  • »21.03.25 - 16:13
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