just finishing update 3.19 (applied on a 3.18) using a CR-RW, not apparent problem ...
...until i simply :
-go to the Ambient Menu (top left),
-select 'A propos de MorphOS' (french menu, "About Morphos") that displays as expected the dev credits, my name as owner of a MorphOS licence,
- then i click on "OK" and as the page closes, the display starts doing some interlacing stuff (with content blinking) and i cannot even manage to reboot by the menu the machine, as i cannot reach the reboot option location with that strange display.
Note that when booted with ISO (from CD or DVD), leaving the about menu is fine (except there is no user licence info displayed, normal).
Has any one else encounter/tried this ?
i re install from a second burn (DVD RW) ISO and still get the same result on this powerBook G4 1.5 GHZ that runs fine in previous version....
I take a screen picture, here is a link to it :
w8OOCiMtWgNScxTP.S. : my second setup is a powerbook G4 1.67 GHZ, i'll wait before trying updating from 3.18 to 3.19....
[ Edité par Skons_Fr 25.01.2025 - 11:29 ][ Edité par Skons_Fr 25.01.2025 - 11:30 ]