Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 421 from 2003/2/24
From: Berlin
Michael Trebilcock also noticed the issues with his script and proposed using ANDROID option.
Just tried it and yes using ANDROID works!
When using the yt-search script you have to edit the yt-search_action script and add the ANDROID option in the almost last line where the yt.rexx script is called:
Run >NIL: rx >CON:100/200/600/300/yt-Search/Close rexx:yt.rexx "{VidURL}" WAIT ANDROID $what
If you are using SmartClipboard.sbar to automatically run the script if you copy a youtube url to the clipboard you have to go the Action-Editor of SmartClipboard.sbar and add the option ANDROID in the command column.
[ Edited by igracki 18.11.2024 - 13:50 ]