Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12250 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
>> this...was because it was...PowerPacker-compressed
> I have checked this under OS3. That's true! Thanks!
Thanks should go to the author of comment #34 ;-)
> if I had not installed it before and Wayfarer, Iris, Shell etc. worked fine,
> why then it caused so much trouble...? Because if ARexx is available,
> then all try to use it...?
Wayfarer, Iris and Shell offer message ports ("
ARexx ports", however on MorphOS recommended to be served
via Lua), so if rexxsyslib.library is found, I guess they load it for this purpose, even though it's just a dummy library.
If you replace this rexxsyslib.library with a random bitstream (which is what PowerPacker-compressed files look like from MorphOS perspective) going by the same name, the applications fail to start, apparently.
(I'm not sure I correctly understand your question, so my reply may not really answer it.)