College computer programming classes
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2056 from 2003/6/4
    The editors can open it, but non unicode strings within the Hollywood programs may get messed up on other systems.

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »13.09.20 - 19:33
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 404 from 2014/6/11
    From: Germany

    Zylesea wrote:
    The editors can open it, but non unicode strings within the Hollywood programs may get messed up on other systems.

    Maybe. If you stay within a 'western' target for your application and use a 'western' string encoding I think you don't need to spend a lot of brain on it.
    If you intend to release your software to 'eastern', like arabic, chinese, japanese or so, then yes, you can get in trouble.

    After all, unicode doesn't exist in Amiga programs. And yet, this did work for > 35 years.

    [ Edited by asrael22 13.09.2020 - 20:43 ]
  • »13.09.20 - 19:42
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...

    asrael22 wrote:

    amigadave wrote:

    Zylesea wrote:
    FlowStudio supports Unicode which Cubic unfortunately does not. This is quite an advanatage.

    That is an advantage that will push me to using Flow Studio, instead of Cubic IDE

    It's just the data representation of the characters of your source code?
    For you as a beginner this doesn't matter at all. Whether you write your code as US_ASCII or ISO-Latin-1. Any other editor can open it. No worries.

    I also have bought Cubic IDE some years ago. It's indeed a super package.


    Yes, I'm a beginner, so I appreciate your opinion and reply to this thread. This decision to use Flow Studio, or Cubic IDE is difficult for me, as someone who does not know all of the Pros and Cons of each editor, or IDE. Cubic IDE is no longer being developed, afaik, and Flow Studio is, which means that I assume it will get more updates in the future. I would like to learn only one of the two editors, so I can concentrate on learning better programming techniques, instead of later needing to also learn the differences between Cubic IDE, and Flow Studio. As I stated in my CAD program example, once you learn how to use one tool, you tend to want to stay with that tool, even though some other tool may become more feature rich, as long as the older tool still has enough functionality to get the job done.

    Even though I would sort of like to use Cubic IDE, because I paid quite a bit of money for it, I'm feeling that using Flow Studio from the start might be a better choice, to avoid relearning the development environment later, if switching to Flow Studio become a necessity, and not just a choice of preference.

    I greatly value all opinions on this topic of which editor, or development environment to use, and even though I am leaning toward using Flow Studio, I haven't made a firm decision yet.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »13.09.20 - 22:07
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2056 from 2003/6/4
    Eventually you can use whatever you want.
    Cubic is currently a bit better suited for Hollywood, as Hollwood does not really need project managemnt and running a program is just a click and go (no need to write an executable to disk and run it afterwards).
    With cubic ju can just enter a little code, hit the "run" button and immediately see what happens. That's really nice.
    FlowStudio offers some project mangement closer to what is known from C/C++.
    I think Cubic a a bit easier (donload teh Hollywood plugin and just start writing code), Flowstuio needs a little work to set up a project. No biggie though...

    I'd suggest CubicIDE for a starter. The hurdle is as low as it probably even can be:
    Just choose an empty Hollwood program, write

    print ("Hello world")

    (best you place these lines after the ">source code" mark, but eventually the position doesn't matter in this example).

    Save the text and hit the play button - et voila! - your first (maximally unspectacular) hollywood program is ready within a few seconds.
    Best you do it straight away, tonight!

    Btw.: The Hollywood's own editor under Windowsa is actually nice, too.

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »13.09.20 - 22:56
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  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2067 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO

    Zylesea wrote:
    Cubic is currently a bit better suited for Hollywood, as Hollwood does not really need project managemnt and running a program is just a click and go (no need to write an executable to disk and run it afterwards).

    What I've played around with FlowStudio, is that you can create a new Hollywood project, add your .hws source file to it, and then you can run the program by pressing the "Build" button... while the "Run" button doesn't do anything. So atm it looks for me that you can run the program directly from the GUI, but not compile, and the logic behind the GUI is a bit reversed.


    With cubic ju can just enter a little code, hit the "run" button and immediately see what happens. That's really nice.

    Yes, and you can also run the program with the "resource monitor", which helps you check that you don't "leak" with brushes and other resources into the memory. It's very useful especially for beginners to check this time to time while coding.

    Cubic also offers direct options from the GUI to compile the program to any of the supported platforms, couldn't be easier.


    FlowStudio offers some project mangement closer to what is known from C/C++.
    I think Cubic a a bit easier (donload teh Hollywood plugin and just start writing code), Flowstuio needs a little work to set up a project. No biggie though...

    Yeah, Hollywood support is still a bit unfinished in FlowStudio and the whole program is designed mainly with C/C++ in mind, but I guess we Hollywood users should help Nicholai in this regard and send him suggestions and request what we'd find useful, and that way improve the support in the future.

    There are also some 3rd party scripts by bitRocky to improve the situation with FlowStudio, check out this thread.


    I'd suggest CubicIDE for a starter. The hurdle is as low as it probably even can be

    Yeah, I agree with this, and I really think the previously mentioned quickhelp that is shown all the time, is really helpful for beginners if you want as smooth as possible start for it. But if you're willing to do certain things from the command line, then FlowStudio is a fine choice too... as said it has unicode support and better code folding feature, which tempts me to change to FlowStudio eventually.

    The importance of unicode support is a bit so-so currently in my opinion too. Hollywood uses UTF-8 by default nowadays for its scripts, and if you're using characters that would get encoded (like some umlauts etc for europeans), then it'd be nice that also the editor supports unicode. But if you're writing your source codes just by English words with no special characters, it doesn't matter if the editor supports UTF-8. And you can always disable the UTF-8 from your Hollywood scripts/programs with one line in the source code and do it in ISO 8859-1 if you prefer that.
  • »14.09.20 - 07:20
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2056 from 2003/6/4

    Zylesea schrieb:
    I only need to pass one last exam to finish this study (so much for distraction, back to my stack of books now).

    Distraction hasn't won, I passed that last exam today.

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »22.09.20 - 22:07
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  • ASiegel
    Posts: 1374 from 2003/2/15
    From: Central Europe
  • »23.09.20 - 07:56
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...

    Zylesea wrote:
    Distraction hasn't won, I passed that last exam today.

    Congratulations! Distraction is still winning here, but my sweetheart is starting to ease up on creating new "Honey Do" items to add to my list of things needing my attention. Currently I have my list down to just under 50 things that need doing within the next 6 months, but what sucks is that over half of them need completing before Winter of this year. I wish I weren't so old and slow, and limited to only about 4 to 5 hours of productive physical work each day. More than that sets me back even further, because if I over extend myself physically, I end up needing to recuperate for a few days, unable to do almost everything while recuperating.

    Enjoy your youth, but try to NOT wear your body out too much, or you may end up paying the price when you are my age.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »24.09.20 - 00:23
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2056 from 2003/6/4
    Amigadave, asiegel:

    I was actually not fishing for gratulations, but just noting that distraction is a bitch, but one that you can master.

    But thank you very much for the gratulations which I really appreciate since this exam was really a big thing for me.

    Background story: The study I completed now was rather goal than interest driven. As a biologist (with all the bells and whistles) job opportunities are a bit complicated and I was pretty fed up with limited contracts, low wages and all of that (and with a familyI cannot easily move from A to B for a job) . Hence I decided to work as school teacher. That is possible, but it was very frustrating to deal with the authorities. They allowed me to work, but low wage (way less than a regular teacher, neglecting the fact that was teaching in universities for quite a while before), time limited contracts and so on just continued. There are ways to become a regular teacher even if you haven't done a Master of Education, but it all was rather complicated and frustrating and a collegue who went that route strongly discouraged me to pursue thar way (she said it broke her private life completely, loss of friends and her long year relation ship, burn out-ish symptoms).
    Hence, if they don't want me to let me in because of f*cking regulations, I just go the official route intended for youngsters: Do a master of Education. With all the stuff needed. And so after having tought students at university and pupil at schools I ended up myself as student again. It was quite a ride, sometimes nice, sometimes not so. But now I am finished with that. And while I was quite an exotic case at my university, I wasn't the only one with an unconventional approach. And I learned quite a bit during that study time. About Chemistry (in Germany a teacher needs _two_ sciences), but way more about life in general.

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »24.09.20 - 09:56
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 157 from 2003/3/17

    What I've played around with FlowStudio, is that you can create a new Hollywood project, add your .hws source file to it, and then you can run the program by pressing the "Build" button... while the "Run" button doesn't do anything. So atm it looks for me that you can run the program directly from the GUI, but not compile, and the logic behind the GUI is a bit reversed.


    it’s been a while since I worked on the Hollywood integration into Flow so my memory isn’t very fresh and unfortunately I haven’t had much/any time for MorphOS recently. However, I think I experimented with hooking up the build functionality to that Hollywood GUI that lets you build/compile different versions and so on. The run function should be bound to running the executable or script.

    I can’t remember if all of that will work in the last release of FlowStudio but you’ll have to play around in project settings.

    Let me know how that works. One day I’ll hopefully find some time for some more comprehensive integration.


  • »24.09.20 - 14:40