• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 347 from 2003/10/12
    From: 1 AU, EU, DE/HU

    KennyR wrote:
    604e only went up to 266 MHz. Is it a typo of 240MHz?

    Although it is off-topic in this topic, it isn't a typo. The card in question had a dead PowerPC chip, and then a few years ago it was sent to Stanislaw Sedlak, a well-known "PPC repair guy" in Poland who specializes in repairing these cards with dead chips, and he brought it back to life by replacing the CPU on it. (Among other repairs he did on the card.) It sports a later, 400Mhz version of the PowerPC 604 chip now (the 604ev a.k.a "Mach5"? I'm unsure.), which is pin and voltage compatible with the CyberstormPPC card, and it was then overclocked to 420Mhz.

    This chip was actually manufactured as a smaller process, therefore it dissipates less heat, so at 420Mhz this thing actually runs much cooler than the original 200-233Mhz chips, which really helps with the longevity of these old CPU cards. It is a benchmark-beast when it comes to number crunching, but in real life it's sadly still somewhat handicapped, as the RAM interface on the CSPPC really keeps it back at these speeds.

    Here is a closeup photo of the CPU on this very CSPPC: https://twitter.com/chainq/status/811276581226344449/photo/1

    (BTW, this system was already presented in this form, with the same card, at Amiga32.)
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