• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 480 from 2008/8/10

    Acill wrote:

    number6 wrote:

    2 things spring to mind concerning issues that, if solved, would open up new possibilities.

    (1)The hotel wifi has been problematic, which has made for difficult attempts at presentations/assistance from anywhere off the show floor. AmiWest did try skype once, and I believe it ended up more annoying than informative from a viewer's perspective.

    (2)Ironing out technical issues ahead of time. I was informed that setup is done the day of the show. This seems unacceptable given the delays from mere setup itself, the emergency runs to get supplies, the delays caused by technical issues only discovered at the last minute or during the show, lack of time to test presentations, etc.

    (3)In addition, it is my understanding that the show requires a takedown and re-setup between Saturday and Sunday, due to lack of adequate security. Is this true?
    If so, then all issues are having to be addressed twice, which is simply making the work harder.

    Does SACC agree? If so, can these issues be addressed?


    Not true on having to tear down saturday and setup again Sunday. Things are secure and the only thing I have seen people put away is the shops like AmigaKit. I wouldnt expect them to leave things out though. the doors are locked and no one gets in beofore its unlocked the next day.

    Internet and Wifi is a big issue though. It was my #1 complaint last yeas and this year is seemed even worse off.

    ok. Then that almost forces personal appearance by people for presentations/dialog as opposed to the opportunity to use skype as an alternative.

    And how do you feel about having to setup the day OF the show? Does that not lead to delays and less time for enjoyment and/or testing presentations etc.?

  • »22.10.18 - 16:13