• Butterfly
    Posts: 87 from 2009/5/6
    As always you are the consummate class-act..

    Again thanks for your efforts not only at Amiwest, but day to day contributions to the Amiga community as a whole.

    We DO appreciate it!

    Back to the MorphOS presentation, maybe the folks at MorphOS can ask for volunteers like a month before Amiwest.. Volunteers like Acill that would be willing to show off the OS. With a month preparation, MorphOS could provide up to date information to the volunteer(s) and a better presentation would be provided. Along with the specific info to the presenter, maybe some brochures and banners could be provided. Nothing extravagant, just simple concise up to date information.

    Hell I have no dog in this fight and I would be willing to take a few pages of information and turn out a banner and handouts for use. I am sure I am not the only one that would enjoy doing this
    "Pride is a poor substitute for intelligence." Quote from Rambo...
  • »22.10.18 - 14:12