• Caterpillar
    Posts: 33 from 2016/12/29
    Hi, again sorry if this has already been covered somewhere... I decided to finally register MorphOS 3.9, I'm trying to
    slowly migrate from my old 1.4.5 system... now having some little problems with Ambient.

    First question, is version 1.44 contained in the MOS 3.9 iso up to date ? Or is there an official Ambient page around where
    I can find updates ? The ones I could find on Sourceforge seems quite outdated...

    I ask cos I have some problems and, before asking, I wanted to make sure I was dealing with an up to date version...

    First thing.. the text gadged used for the RENAME option has some issues... some keys don't work (for example the
    underscore) and often when I scroll the cursor to the extreme left it disappears, or other strange behaviours aswell...

    Second thing... it looks like there's no automatic way to create an icon for a file without icon... I'd have expected that
    snapshotting the ghosted default icon would create one on the fly...

    Third question... is there any option to enable display of free RAM in the screen bar or I must resort to a third party
    utility ?

    Last question... what do u think in general, is it worth to install Scalos, or Dopus ? Which desktop is better in your opinion ?

    Thanks for answering my perhaps silly questions ^_^
  • »04.01.17 - 20:10