• Jim
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
    From: Delaware, USA

    esc wrote:
    Thanks for the help guys. I ordered a 10.4 DVD and it won't boot - the powerbook needs >10.4.3 - total bummer. These discs are hard to find. :(

    PM Wiktor Glowacki (pampers), I'm sure he can help you dig up the right CDs.
    He has (or at least one time had) the hi-res version of the PowerBook you mentioned.
    Really, all you need is to find someone with a set of the Tiger install CD for that system.
    MacOS/OSX CDs are notoriously specific to the models they were shipped with.
    I have a set similar to those you purchased, intended for a PowerMac G4, and I'm pretty sure they won't work with your system.

    But the original CDs may be copyable, and I've heard of people that have set up bootable USB thumb drives with the install files from the correct CD.
    You just need to find someone who is relatively knowledgeable about Macs (and that's NOT me, as I had a long held bias against Apple - even though I've come to appreciate OSX).

    But again, contact Wiktor, he's quite knowledgeable about those laptops.
    AND, he offered to help.

    [ Edited by Jim 22.12.2016 - 19:23 ]
    "Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"
  • »22.12.16 - 23:05