• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 245 from 2012/10/14
    From: DFW, TX, USA

    relyt wrote:
    Hi everyone.

    My name is Tyler. I'm relatively new to MorphOS and this community. I've been aware of the operating system's existence since version 3.4; I installed it on an eMac, and tinkered awhile, but never did pay for a registered copy. I wasn't sure that I was committed to having a eMac sitting on my desk, or whether I was ready to drop the money for a keyfile. I had read that the G4 Mac Mini was an ideal piece of hardware for MorphOS anyway. So, I waited...

    Last year, I came across a Mac Mini G4 on eBay for a cheap price and was pleased to find out that it was the 1.5 GHz silent upgrade model. After putting OS X on it and realizing how slow it was, I purchased a keyfile and the Mini became my MorphOS machine.

    I'm impressed with the design of MorphOS, but as someone who has never used Amigas (Apple // instead and then Windows) or an Amiga-like platform, there are a few idiosyncrasies that I'm still getting used to:

    iconify vs. minimize (Can you iconify to a panel instead of the desktop?)
    Why the Boot directory is visible on my desktop.
    Work directory - What's it for?
    There are probably other things...

    I'm likely different from most of you in that I don't have an exact need to use an Amiga compatible platform. I found myself here because I was looking for alternative operating systems for PowerPC Macs. What I've seen is a small, yet connected global community. And I understand the developers are a talented - and approachable - crew. I felt compelled to support them and to also learn something new in the process. So, here I am with my Mac Mini G4 and the desire to become more familiar with the MorphOS/Amiga world.

    I'm curious to know what hardware you all are using to run MorphOS and how long the PowerPC platform will remain relevant to this community. I have a few other, faster PowerPC computers. Also, is MorphOS the main operating system for some of you? Any recommendations for essential applications for a new guy like me?

    I'm sure many of my questions have been answered before, but a search didn't yield anything relevant. It's possible my queries weren't worded correctly.

    Welcome. :-D

    I too had only silly Windows 3.1 as a small child, even when Windows 95 and Windows 98 was released. And when we finally got Windows 98, it was already outdated as well. Eventually we got several old IBM computers. Many did not work. Among them were several IBM 286, 386, and old IBM computers (5100?) that weighed a ton, and a few other IBMs, and they were still able to print to a Cannon BubbleJet despite the printer being newer. These computers used Dos Shell. I don't think you can get a new printer to connect to an old computer. Unfortunately I no longer have these. I do not have any room for them and have only become interested in laptop computers. (And about laptop computers: It seems I only want laptops with giant screens and full size built in keyboards).

    The only time I was around Macs is in elementary school had a computer lab of Pizza Boxes and even Apple branded printers. These computers had every possible feature, both hardware and software. The hardware had speakers, microphone, and the graphics appeared to be much better. The OS was much nicer, much more responsive, and contained After Dark screensavers and plenty of software and games of much higher quality compared to Windows.

    Later, as an adult: I wanted to have an Apple computer, and thinking that the experience would be similar. It was not. The Internet is now designed to make these old computers useless for Internet Web Browsing. That was when I decided to try Mac OS "10" (Mac OS X, now deceptively called MacOS) which is absolutely nothing at all similar to original Mac OS. Instead of fixing the problems with Mac OS, they decide to use a *Nix version. They have this thing called "TruBluEnvironment" (or something) which was unstable. Mac OS X is very slow, and especially on Blue And White G3 ... which was very difficult to install Mac OS X on it. Once "Classilla" was added, then I was able to use the Internet on Mac OS 9.2.2 again, and switched back to 9.2.2. Unfortunately Classilla is no longer updated.

    I still have G3 PowerBooks, G3 iBooks, and G3 iMacs to use the decade and a half of software and games, and even aftermarket software and games. I was still curious to see if anything similar to Original Mac OS is currently maintained.

    And that is how and why I am here. Also, I do not like how mainstream operating systems expect you to replace your computer every few months only for an even slower operating system.

    I have a iBook G4, a PowerBook G4, and enjoy MorphOS. I am also impressed that MorphOS focuses on performance and not gimmicks. It is the future of computing, or would be if more people joined.

    Grunch is a software manager. But there is other software that has not been available with Grunch. I enjoy Cinnamon Writer. I also enjoy the name. "Cinnamon Writer". :-P

    [ Edited by In_Correct 28.11.2016 - 07:11 ]
    :-) I Support Quark Microkernel. :-D
  • »28.11.16 - 14:09
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