• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 391 from 2003/7/26
    From: Chicago, IL

    Thanks for that Jim, I didn't think you were attacking Aladdin 4D though. DiscreetFX sold all rights for the MorphOS, AmigaOS and AROS versions in 2014 to A-Eon so we no longer have a horse in that race. We do retain rights to release an updated version for any other platform. But back on topic I would still like Pagestream for MorphOS, something I paid for over 12 years ago. But like Aladdin 4D Deron did a terrible job updating it. This is very disappointing since Deron once was a very talented coder. Not sure why he still sells it. Due to Deron's complete lack of progress I've long ago switched to Adobe CC but that's not on MorphOS so I would still like to get what I paid for.

    The right thing to do would be to give refunds to loyal customers that waited a long time for something that's never going to come but Deron's too selfish to do something like that. He would rather sit on those millions of dollars in Pagestream upgrades from honest hard working Amiga fans. I hope his palace is warm and cozy at night.

    [ Edited by discreetfx 29.03.2016 - 22:16 ]
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