takemehomegrandma wrote:
They obviously were granted access to the source tree. Obviously. To make a MUI 3.9 port, that's for sure. In the source tree they also found the MUI4 sources.
You and others make it sound like MUI4 or MUI5 is something completely different than MUI 3.x. It is not. It is still *very* largely the same stupid (sorry) thing. If the version jump was from 3.1 to 3.2 it would look much less dramatic than 3.9 to 4.x. For comparison the AOS Workbench (not ROM) version jump from AOS 3.1 to 3.5 contained hugely more dramatic changes then the jump from MUI 3.8 to MUI5. In absolute they may not have been all that huge but compared to MUI 3.x to MUI 5 they are immensly huge. No comparison whatsoever.
Had I been managing a big project like MUI,
I would have assumed that by default contributions made by others to my MUI sources end up under my control and if the contributors want special treatment (want to control who else gets to uses the stuff they commited) *they* have to ask me for permission to allow them to contribute stuff under this special conditions. Not the other way round. That to me feels totally crazy. It's like if MOS Team allowed someone to port MOS to ARM (if they are not interested to do it themselves) and later that guy wants permission from MOS Team to use the modifications he did (like modifications to original code to make everything endianess safe) for an x86 MOS port.