to me it sounds like if the MorphOS team would control everything around MUI there would be no problem regarding compatibility... that is even true because MUI4/5 would be exclusive to MorphOS. Not a perfect solution either. And yes if MorphOS team would have supported other platforms by creating specific binaries there would be no competing development (except on Aros perhaps because of needing open sources). Are they to blame? I would say they missed a chance. Yes OWB and MPlayer... both from the same source. Anything else? I am not aware of any application, system components are closed anyway. Regarding MUI4 on 68k, without the mentioned OS4MUI4 nothing would exist on 68k, except 3.8 and Zune (when using Aros68k). I remember one discussion with one core team member about using one of his application on Aros 68k, it not worked because of Zune problems, I asked him answer was it is not his problem if it not works. That is the wrong attitude, at least if you want that your software is more widely used. But finally most software is exclusive to one platform so it is not important if there are compatiblity issues. A-eon f.e. are using Reaction for GUI so finally it is only for AmigaOS 4.X and (to a lesser degree) 3.9 on 68k (what is not used by everyone in the 68k community). On MorphOS what software is ported to f.e. AROS except OWB and mplayer?
Regarding using unlicensed code (or not), that can only be answered by copyright owners active and involved at that time. If the code was stolen (like some claim) then they should have gone after them and forced to use correct sources. If they do not want to do that because it would not be worth the trouble then the users should join and also go on. The discussions lead nowhere except creating negativity in sll camps.