• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 587 from 2007/7/29

    OlafSch wrote:

    nobody in the OS3 community will blame anyone

    It already happened and not only once. OS3 users blamed the MorphOS team to not offer MUI4/5 for 68k, so their argument is that Maus/Böckelmann offering a confusing MUI version in the end is the MorphOS team’s fault. See a1k forum and maybe others to find out about this.

    ... most existing 68k software is based on MUI 3.8, in fact there is no 68k software needing newer versions.

    That is true and not debated.

    Even outside 68k there is not much software needing MUI5 at all …

    Only that part of the sentence is true but not the following one:

    …and if the software is exclusive to MorphOS anyway.

    This is wrong. The most prominetnt examples are OWB and MUI-MPlayer which were ported to AROS and OS4 (I think MUI-Mplayer was maybe not ported to AROS but only to OS4, that’s not the point, anyway). There are also several OS4 applications in the meantime that use their version of MUI4 leading to not being portable to OS3 or MOS by simple recompile. Examples are the zTools. There may be others as well. Plus there is at least one developer who asked for a feature implementation in MOS after it was done incompatibly in OS4MUI. This was rejected. So this OS4MUI has already lead to incompatible software. Without it, if would have been compatible.

    You guys are creating a problem where none exists. To me it looks more like you are insulted because by imitating MUI5 (including naming) someone is violating your superior feeling... enjoy your platform and ignore the other project. Best would be if MorphOS team would support other platforms with compiled binaries of MUI but of course that will not happen.

    You are ignoring the problem even years after it came up. Already OS4MUI4 was incompatible. Otherwise developers like zzd10h could have created versions of their programs for OS3 and MOS easily.
    I use all four flavours of Amiga: OS3, OS4, AROS, MorphOS and like all of them. So how could I feel superior over myself? Can you explain that to me?
    The biggest mistake, sorry stuntzi, was to ever give M/B access to MUI sources, no matter by whom and in what way it happened. Because this just generated all these issues about incompatibilities, copyright issues, name mimics giving false promises.
    It was maybe meant as a sign of good will for cooperation but as M/B prove it ended up in uncontrollable incompatibility and additional work for everyone.
  • »12.09.16 - 12:10