• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > The 2009 codebase contains not just Stuntzi's work, but also code
    > by laire, Piru, kiero or me (and probably others). [...] I personally
    > have never licensed any of my code to be used outside of MorphOS.
    > So yes, the unofficial fork most likely contains my unlicensed work.

    So does this mean that your MorphOS team colleague Stuntz issued a license for source code that's not his IP to a 3rd party? Or are you in line with Henes in that Stuntz never issued a MUI4 license to Maus/Böckelmann?
  • »11.09.16 - 20:06