Acolyte of the Butterfly
Posts: 139 from 2008/7/22
Quote:redrumloa wrote:
rob wrote:
Calm down Rambo. Where do A-EON/Amigakit come into this anyway?
IP theft isn't OK just because it helps your preferred niche OS. How can you really ask this above question with a straight face? You may be a lot of things Rob, but you are not dumb.
A-Eonkit sell OS4 pre-installed on computers.
A-Eonkit sell OS4 stand alone.
AmiUpdate is the official update software.
AmiUpdate pushed out Pirate MU4
A-Eonkit own Amistore. I don't know if Amistore directly offers MUI4 for download, but they sell products
that require Pirate MUI4.
A-Eonkit owns, which promotes the pirate software with news articles.
A-Eonkit allows moderators to obfuscate the truth and censor people speaking the truth,
A-Eonkit has a financial interest in allowing stolen IP on their product,
I didn't say anything about the legal situation surrounding MUI for 68k and PPC or whether I think it wrong or right.
Pretty much all Amiga dealers sell OS4 and/or computers with it pre-installed so why single out AmigaKit? Surely the dispute would be between Hyperion and Stefan Stuntz. Dealers sell products in good faith that the products fully above board, and yes, I do realise that complaint have been aired in public but AFAIK Stuntzi hasn't formalised any complaint and there is no cease and desist or similar issued.
AmiUpdate is not an AmigaKit/A-EON product.
MUI 4 isn't available via Amistore. zTools may well require MUI4 but again, any dispute over MUI is Hyperion and Stuntzi's business and developers are essentially using it in good faith. If Stuntzi begins formal proceedings or issues a cease and desist that may well change thing but I'm not sure how or if it would affect software using the unofficial MUI4/5.
The release is still news regardless of whether or not there is a dispute over I.P. and cover news on AROS and MorphOS, is that promotion or simply reporting? Was anything actually censored in that thread or was it just locked? cgutjahr's post certainly hasn't been altered.
One question I do have is how did Jens and Thore come to be in possession of unauthorised sources for MUI, who supplied the sources?
Whatever the case, this really needs to be resolved. Whether that be Stuntzi ordering them to pull the plug or coming to some kind of arrangement. All this moaning is not good for the whole community, I'm sure you'd rather be enjoying your time on the forums than being irked of certain shenanigans.