Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 587 from 2007/7/29
The only logical and mandatory consequence must be for stuntzi to revoke the license from Maus/Böckelmann and declare all their outputs of MUI4/5/whatever as illegal. If a licensee repeatedly breaks the license of an existing and continuously developed product, if he permanently copies IP that he is not allowed to copy, if he intentionally changes copyright information, if he permanently introduces incompatibilities AND still defends all that after being exhorted for many times, then he is damaging the stability and the reputation of the product in an intolerable way. It shows that he is continuously disdaining the rules without the will to change. Maus/Böckelmann got many chances over the last years to rethink and fix their behavior on and on again. They fucked up every single one. No single reason for any further chance. It’s time for consequences.