• rob
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 139 from 2008/7/22

    redrumloa wrote:
    A-eonkit have officially sided with IP theft and are now actively moderating anyone who dares pointing out IP theft is occurring.

    eliyahu's weak argument is simply a "conflict between the MUI for AOS developers and certain MOS enthusiasts". Gee, suddenly the MOS Team themselves are nothing more than "enthusiasts". I was actually considering ordering a SCSI2SD from A-eonkit, but I'll just get one directly from China now.

    I wish Stuntz would get off his mountain bike long enough to sue all these dirty players involved.

    Do you think that eliyahu was instructed by someone from A-EON/Amigakit lock the thread?
  • »01.09.16 - 05:51