• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    >>> MUI keyfile cannot be purchased anymore (which would be legal way to support
    >>> real MUI authors)

    >> Of course you can pay for a MUI keyfile and support Stuntzi this way:
    >> http://www.sasg.com/cgi-sasg/order_info?app=mui

    > website is dead as dudo for years

    No, the link I gave works well, and so does the PayPal page linked from there.

    > Stuntzi hasnt made any known statements even during MorphOS era of
    > MUI4 development

    http://www.amiga-news.de/en/news/AN-2005-01-00122-EN.html (via proxy)
    http://www.amiga-news.de/files/18_01_05_when_morphos_finally_died.html (via proxy)

    And MUI4 alpha and beta releases were released on sasg.com and stuntz.com until 2009:


    > and not in this "AmigaOS 4 development era".

    http://www.amiga-news.de/en/news/AN-2014-01-00061-EN.html (via proxy)

    > there is a growing number of shared components [...] between MorphOS and AmigaOS 4

    This is not my impression.

    > Hyperion has left the Timberwolf path

    Timberwolf was never a Hyperion project.

    > they used to claim there will be FF16 port, if I do recall.

    FF19, and it wasn't a promise.

    > bounty (they collected) was to port FF4 but to all 3 camps, if I do recall.

    No, your recollection is flawed. The Timberwolf bounty was OS4-only, of course.

    > we (owners of AOS4) wait since 2012 for them to complete last 25% of LibreOffice.
    > http://a-eon.com/?news=30-12-2012

    As your link proves, also this is no Hyperion project.

    > AmigaOS 3.5/3.9 [...] came with it as new standard OS solution to replace aged ReAction.

    Again, your recollection is flawed in multiple ways. There has been no MUI in AmigaOS 3.5 or 3.9. They contain ReAction (successor to ClassAct) as new standard GUI solution.

    > only MorphOS reached that goal (of further developing MUI as standard GUI toolkit)

    So far, MorphOS has been the only contender to that goal.

    >> What about Peg1, Efika 5200B or Sam460? :-)

    > They are as tiny and forgotten minority

    How are they forgotten? MorphOS 3.9 still supports these machines. Sam460 support was even added as recently as MorphOS 3.8.

    > as those who use AmigaOS 4 on PPC expanded classic, old AmigaOne g3/g4/mini
    > boards :-)

    Even years before PPC emulation was added to WinUAE, OS4 for Classic was a big seller according to Hyperion. OS4.1FE still supports officially Classic, AmigaOne SE (G3), AmigaOne XE (G3/G4) and Micro-A1 (G3).

    > X1000 is obsolete with no CFE updates

    It's supported by current OS4 release, so I don't see how it's obsolete just because of lack of firmware updates.

    > it is currently avail according to AmigaKit and Amedia (as Nemo board)

    No, it's not. Nemo/X1000 has been sold out in September 2015.

    > waiting for RadeonHD drivers for MorphOS, that wont be money milking

    ...and that support at least 2D acceleration :-)
  • »31.08.16 - 19:55