• vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 616 from 2003/11/24
    From: Belgrade

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:

    VO> MUI keyfile cannot be purchased anymore (which would be legal way to support
    VO> real MUI authors)

    Of course you can pay for a MUI keyfile and support Stuntzi this way:
    Just don't expect a keyfile in return (anytime soon) ;-)

    Thanks, but website is dead as dudo for years, and sadly Stuntzi hasnt made any known
    statements even during MorphOS era of MUI4 development and not in this "AmigaOS 4 development era".

    Only good thing is that there is a growing number of shared components and apps
    between MorphOS and AmigaOS 4 - and not thanks to some new wave of unity between two teams
    and communities - but just because Hyperion has left the Timberwolf path, even they
    used to claim there will be FF16 port, if I do recall. And bounty (they collected) was to port FF4
    but to all 3 camps, if I do recall.

    Now, we (owners of AOS4) wait since 2012 for them to complete last 25% of LibreOffice.
    (Lesson learned: of uknown version - 3,4 or 5?) :-)


    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    VO> but is yet required.
    It's not, except if you want to permanently save changes to the MUI look. And even then there's a workaround.

    Thanks for "Workaround". Well, I like to get things saved :-)
    Even I hated that we didnt get the keyfile even in AmigaOS 3.5/3.9 that came with it
    as new standard OS solution to replace aged ReAction.

    So far, so fully usable, only MorphOS reached that goal (of further developing MUI
    as standard GUI toolkit)


    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    VO> all MorphOS users use Peg2 or Apple PPC computers

    What about Peg1, Efika 5200B or Sam460? :-)

    They are as tiny and forgotten minority as those who use AmigaOS 4 on PPC expanded
    classic, old AmigaOne g3/g4/mini boards :-)

    It just didnt instantly came to my mind, even its true.

    Also, after Acube-AEON alliance I also notice that SAM460 (Lite) boards are nowhere
    to be found to be purchased. Strange. Is Acube left only with Miniming or will they be Taborized?

    Also X1000 is obsolete with no CFE updates (even there are bugs to fix) but yet it is currently
    avail according to AmigaKit and Amedia (as Nemo board) and Cyrus yet isnt.

    Strange things ...

    Now, waiting for RadeonHD drivers for MorphOS, that wont be money milking as AmigaOS drivers
    turned to be (pay for 2D driver, pay for 3D driver and get new gfx card just because)
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
    Lame PC with AmiKit XE, Linux, AROS and sadly Win11
    Telegram MOS group: https://t.me/+zCLnwCvwhs4wMTI0
    Steam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198164221485/
  • »30.08.16 - 21:56