• vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 616 from 2003/11/24
    From: Belgrade

    redrumloa wrote:
    How will cutting ties with PPC and dropping X5000 support prevent anybody from "pilfering" version numbers from MorphOS components?

    I understand the anger, I am sad MUI development hasnt taken the legal way. Especially cruel situation
    is that MUI keyfile cannot be purchased anymore (which would be legal way to support real MUI authors)
    but is yet required. It would be best if it was purchased and open sourced, or just purchased and developed
    (like AEON does nowadays) so we know it is legal continuation, and then made avail to all camps, including AROS.

    At the other hand, I dont get just how "leaving PPC" would be good. Since all MorphOS users
    use Peg2 or Apple PPC computers, it would be leaving those machines behind, leave alone slow introduction
    of x5000 as expensive option (that could be a good way to introduce MorphOS to AmigaOS 4 users, same way
    AmigaOS 4 for Pegasos2 had some role - at least as testbed OS vs OS performance).

    I wish MorphOS 4/NG to (at least some time) be both PPC and x86 (if possible) and then in the end evolve
    to x64 only when it becomes truly 64-bit, SMP,OpenGL etc. way e.g. BeOS did. My 2 cents of opinion.

    [ Edited by vox 30.08.2016 - 23:20 ]
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
    Lame PC with AmiKit XE, Linux, AROS and sadly Win11
    Telegram MOS group: https://t.me/+zCLnwCvwhs4wMTI0
    Steam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198164221485/
  • »30.08.16 - 19:19