• Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1724 from 2012/3/22
    From: Stockholm, Sweden

    You do have a point there. But from what I can read at the forums people don't seem too impressed with the 68k version. It's too demanding and buggy. The situation would have been different maybe in the late 90's when people bought PPC or 060 cards, but they are hard to find nowadays and really expensive. I think most 68k users today seems to be more about retro and are satisfied with 030 accelerators. Then this MUI 4 will be barely usable. I'm no programmer, but it seems that no optimization in the world could make this good enough for low end users who constitutes the majority of 68k users.

    But things might change of course in unexpected ways. If that comes to that it might be a good idea for MorphOS Team to change those parts of the code that needs changing in order to keep compatibility.

    But I seriously doubt it will come to that. More likely it will be mostly a thing for AOS 4. And if the MUI 4 Team do make changes that makes MorphOS MUI not working anymore, I guess Fab can threaten them that he won't release the next version of OWB until that is fixed, since it does go against the original intentions of the source code release. Assuming that Fab is working on OWB, which I do.
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