Quote:eliyahu wrote:
phoenixkonsole wrote:
Reason is that I wan't to offer consumer loans also and those countries offer a banking license for moderate amount of money.
My favorite one is Greece... 2nd is Estonia because of the moderate regulations.
now you're going into banking? in greece?! how many 'projects' do you have at the moment?
-- eliyahu
This is all basically one project : )
I lost trust in governments and banks starting in 2009.
From that Point i heavely focused on P2P.
For me a Bank should offer accounts and protection(insurance) of money like in the Wild West days.
But they should not be the one who decide if a country gets insolvent and they should not be allowed to close and keep you away from your money.
P2p is the way to go. Win /win for both parties and no single entity which holds all the power.
Amiga related and running projects (means someone really is working on it right now, the list is longer):
Ignite (launchpad clone which extends the functionality of the original)
Amicloud (remaining bug is identified)
Indiego AppStore website
Indiecoin website (buy, sell, earn by referrals)
Peerschweinchen (a p2p website to invest in projects instead of just donating)
Ssl plugin for Hollywood
..... And those released as alpha already
Amiga unrelated:
Peerschweinchen KI (peer - piggybank AI invests automatically money on European p2p platforms)
-> banking license required