• Cocoon
    Posts: 52 from 2003/4/3
    From: Bretagne Lorient

    I have a very strange thing: yesterday, the screen light command (F1/F2) was working ok (I'm on the MorphBook 5.3)...
    I view a film using MPlayer, and find that the sound commands (F4/F5) were fonctionnal (witch is not reported on this hardware), but seems only by MPlayer (not from MorphOS)...

    This morning, turning back the "Morphchine" on, I loose the screen light tuning...
    Even after and update from the .iso and via usb, I don't have it back...

    An other thing: On MOS 3.7, I had the option to use an extern screen (in copy mode)... It seems impossible now...

    Plus special hazard with the wifi:

    After my report yesterday on the thread: "Wifi still freezes Powerbook".

    This morning, I find that it seems connected via the bcm43 (checked on the prefs pannel) but no networks are displayed on the prefs window for the bcm43 nor the Atheros pcmcia, but they are in the sreenbar wireless module's popup... (???)
    Furthermore, when I unplug the Atheros, I have a complain at startup and no wifi at all, even after some reboots to have the prefs (that freezes) in the good way...
    Tested too on usb booting on the .iso, and update from it...

    Could that be an hardware bug on my MorphBook 5.3?

    >>half self reply: with the macos instal cd, in the "system info"/Network/Airport card: it doesn't find it... But isn't that strange so, to see it in the MorphOS's prefs? On this MorphBook I can't yet search more by macos cause it's not at all on the machine... In a hopping short future I think to test via MintPPC on usb key...

    (I permise myself to copy/past this wifi report to the up named thread...)

    Amigan salutations.

    [ Edited by Elric 20.05.2015 - 13:41 ]
  • »20.05.15 - 12:56