Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 419 from 2003/8/18
I can see that Aros (and Icaros) appear to be gaining steam and could/should overtake MorphOS and AmigaOS4.1 combined EVENTUALLY
Well... Last time I tested AROS (a few days ago), it was by far behind the very first version of MorphOS I tested (was 1.2, and that was 6 (!) years ago).
Since 1.2, MorphOS has matured a lot, gained a lot of software, had lots of bugfixes/optimisations, to reach current version 2.x. And that's without talking about the excellent graphics work done on skins, icons, user gadgets, backdrops,...
While I have to admit AROS has progressed quite a lot in the last few months, it's still far behind, and really need a focus: what's AROS ? What's the goal ? It seems it's the fans that are driving it...
Sure, it's a lot more accessible (despite compatibility problems, it's a lot easier to find a PC running AROS, than a rare PPC machine running MorphOS), could potentialy attract a lot more users/developers, but for that it should go somewhere...
- I like ARM, let's create a bounty, and port it to ARM. Most of the core libs aren't still complete, but who cares ? I love ARM !
- I'd love to see UAE integrated, ok, let's create a bounty for that.
- etc...
But fact is that MUI clone still isn't complete, there still isn't drag'n'drop,... Everything is uncomplete, the recent Poseidon port showed a lot of bugs that have been known and there for a long time...
I think AROS needs someone to drive it correctly, and resources should be spent to reach this goal, rather than going into multiple directions at the same time, without knowing where.
You may agree or not to the direction followed by MorphOS (I personnaly don't), but at least it's getting somewhere, and development is focused on that direction.
That was my two cents :)
[ Edited by Leo on 2009/9/12 20:08 ]
Nothing hurts a project more than developers not taking the time to let their community know what is going on.