I still find that when you're in a drive/folder/directory window that using the right mouse-button offer options related to the icons, even when you are not over a specific icon and/or have highlighted it, and not the Ambient desktop as a whole, and that to create a new folder/drawer you need to use the menu as the 'A'+'n' only opens a new Shell window. I find this really annoying, and surely can't be that useful to many, as the shell is not a main desktop utility for many as Ambient is an icon environment - what used to be called a 'WIMP' system (Windows, Icons, Mouse, and Pointers). So why isn't there some consistency about this key use, as creating a New Folder is more likely to be important to an end user than opening a New Shell window, surely a different key combination could be thought of that would not clash with the one for creating a New Folder, and then 'A' + 'n' could be a system wide keyboard shortcut.
It's true makedir could be added in the default shortcut list, but the good thing is Ambient is highly configurable, so you can add it yourself. Go to Ambient settings -> keyboard and add a new custom hotkey : name it makedir for instance, add the combination you want (doubleclick and press your shortcut to capture it) and edit the command with "internal" as type and "makedir %S" as command string.
Some keypresses like Control + 'X' or 'C'or 'V' I see have been adopted from the Windows World, while still retaining the Amiga-like alternatives, nice touch, though it doensn't work in all aplications that are already coded the older Amiga keypress way.
They should at least work in all MUI applications (and you can change all these shortcuts in MUI settings as well). Non MUI applications might only handle legacy shortcuts, of course.
Also, I don't understand why there isn't a menu option to back up one level from within a folder. I have modified the keystrokes so that I can do this by pressing 'A'+'/', but why there isn't a menu option, like there is in Workbench I cannot understand how this keystroke/menu has been forgotten when the Operating System was being developed, as it is so useful, or why there isn't an icon near to the 'close window' icon that allows you to click on it to go back up the directory tree with just a mouse-click.
There is, it's backspace. And it's visible in Ambient shortcuts definitions.
I use 'Alt-Tab' on my Amiga, that you can get from Aminet, as switching from application by using a keystroke, and choosing either by menu/mouse click, or keyboard/Return key is far more efficient, and I don't understand why this feature appears to be missing from MorphOS.
There is such a feature when you use right mouse button over a window depth gadget. And you can also show this windows menu by a shortcut if you configure it in IControl settings (window selection entry, IIRC).
Some of the preferences are 'squirreled away' as well, as a right mouse button press over the screen change/move backwards icon, at the top right corner of each screen or Ambient seems a rather obscure way of having those features available for modification, all this is of course my own opinion, and maybe I have missed some of the options, and preferences, as I am not as conversant with it as I am with my Amiga Workbench 3.9 system as yet, but I'm getting there.
Just for the record, this is intuition handling this screenbar (and more) menu, not Ambient itself. It's important to make a difference between Ambient that is just the desktop application, from Intuition which handles the windows/screens behaviour.
I had hoped on OWB that I would have been able to choose, move from Tab to Tab quite easily via the keyboard, but as yet I haven't found a way of doing this. On Firefox you can 'Control' + 'TAB' to go forward through your browser tabs, and backwards by additionally holding down the 'Shift' key as well as 'Control' + 'TAB', or by using 'Control' + '1' through sequentially to '0' to choose a specific Tab, but there does not seem to be an option to do any of this, but even in IBrowse this was basically possible, so it should be included in OWB as well - that's if I haven't missed it being there somewhere, hidden in the 'dark'
And there are 2 ways to do it, including standard ones.
amiga/ctrl + pg up/pg down
amiga/ctrl + tab number (with shift it would add 10 to the number).
There's also ctrl + [shift] + tab, but it only works if the focus is outside the webview (like clicking in url address or navigation bar, for instance). I might do something to try and fix this latter to also work when webview has the focus, though.
I don't see why there is no built-in Icon Editor that any icon can be modified or saved as a PNG Icon. Amiga Workbench 3.9 offers any icon - even default ones, without a directly associated icon to be saved, and in doing so creates the necessary .info file so it does have an Icon, but MorphOS does not appear to have this luxury. It requires you to locad the Icon into Sketch, and fiddle about with it, which on the occasions I have done so, has caused the program to crash, so I'm not that impressed with Icon support.
Well, you could even use an old icon editor to deal with old style icons. And for PNG icons, given there can be transparency involved, it's more about a painting program than a simple iconeditor, so the choice was rather ok, and it gives you total freedom with what to use to draw your icons.
[ Edited by Fab 02.07.2013 - 08:41 ]