####### whats wrong with people!
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 224 from 2003/4/2
    Umm... Polyhead isn't Doommaster. Polyhead has been on Moobunny for years...

    Oh, and I don't think you'd hear anything homophobic from him. :P
  • »23.03.04 - 21:32
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  • T1k
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 18 from 2004/3/22
    From: Stockholm - Sw...
    Actually, when taking out the #### and #####, it's kinda true what polyhead says. People, at least where I'm from, tend to sit around and wait for solutions to come to them, instead of doing something creative to sort their situation. Yes, I'm like that :) Yes, I'm trying to change that. But sigh, it's hard to fight nature's law of minimal energyconsumption ;)
    Mind - Universe - Mind - Universe
  • »23.03.04 - 21:38
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2003/6/25

    Umm... Polyhead isn't Doommaster. Polyhead has been on Moobunny for years... Oh, and I don't think you'd hear anything homophobic from him. :P

    Ok if that's true then it's my bad. The language he uses is quite identical with Doomy's, he states living in Oregon, and he uses to swagger all the time about his hardware skills (soldering pieces etc.) like Doomy.


    Actually, when taking out the #### and #####, it's kinda true what polyhead says. People, at least where I'm from, tend to sit around and wait for solutions to come to them, instead of doing something creative to sort their situation. Yes, I'm like that :) Yes, I'm trying to change that. But sigh, it's hard to fight nature's law of minimal energyconsumption ;)

    Sorry but I am not that crazy to cut a piece from a multi-layer PCB so that it will physically fit inside a tiny case (like he insists doing)! Especially if it is obsolete/rare Amiga hardware. And above all I don't like his overall attitude that goes like "Hey I know more than you therefore I got the right to insult you, you #####ng #####rd, ####su##er, s## ## a ##ch!".
    No now that I think about it again this guy must be Doomy, AKA Polyhead, AKA Amiga2000King, AKA.....
  • »23.03.04 - 22:00
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17
    what kind of thread is this? what a bunch of crap.. I would have banned polygon or whatever his name is. Good job Moderators. (sarcasm intended)
  • »23.03.04 - 22:05
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1346 from 2003/6/8
    From: USA California
    can we lock this thread?
    "Poundsmack, official morphzone thread creator" -LorD
    "Wanna be lord of the avatars." -JKD
  • »24.03.04 - 02:11
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2004/3/18
    I spend my workdays with programming, system administration, and all kinds of sucky IT business, and large amounts of my free time I spend with programming as well. I'm not maintaining a workplace with dremels and vacuum pumps for desoldering and the like. I have a soldering iron and tools for some elementary tasks, but if I can't accomplish a hardware job myself, I'm attending an electronic shop, or ask friends of mine who are more of the hardware kind like you. If they have a software problem, I'm trying to help them in return. You may call us whiny ####es, but that's how it works here. Maybe people are different in the beantown where you live.

    It's all about specialization. At the time I bought my A3000 it costed the equivalent of EUR 3000, which was about the best money I ever spent. The machine worked for years before I for the first time had a reason to open it. From a computer I expect that it ####ing works and can be easily extended, and if the Pegasos doesn't qualify for this, we would indeed have to call it a "geek computer", which would be a pitiful excuse for a piece of crap for that you need a soldering iron to keep working. Yuck!

    > In the end your way of thinking is why computers are in such a sorry state. You only want to understand your stupid little narrow band of computers, rather than have any general knowledge of how they work.

    You definitely have a point here, but you seem to have no idea about how much open-mindedness is already drained from all kinds of highlevel software architecture, development tools and programming languages. Most (ex-) Amiga users are ####ing clueless retards in this regard, mainly because they have long ago given up to consider their computer a helpful tool for supporting someone's living.

    I'm trying the best I can to work my way through all kinds of layers and abstraction levels, but hardware is where I have to draw the line.

    > now... Paying someone to fix your bicycle for you.. that is lame on a grand scale!

    No, that's how this economy works. I'm not keeping all the tools around that I'd require for bicycle repair, only some screwdrivers and an oilcan, but not more.
  • »24.03.04 - 02:51
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2004/3/18
    Yea, lock out what's unpleasant. Is that all you can contribute to this thread, Mr. thread creator? :)
  • »24.03.04 - 03:01
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1346 from 2003/6/8
    From: USA California
    i would just like to keep it civilized....i mean come on this is not a GNOME vs. KDE discussion :-D
    "Poundsmack, official morphzone thread creator" -LorD
    "Wanna be lord of the avatars." -JKD
  • »24.03.04 - 03:06
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  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    [official webmaster mode: ON]

    Okay, please be civil. I don't need anymore complaints in my "in box." Tone it down a bit on the ethenol drenched comments. I really don't want to lock the thread, but if it degenerates further, the thread will be locked.

    [official webmaster mode: OFF]

    MorphOS portal? www.MorphZone.org
  • »24.03.04 - 03:39
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2003/7/30
    From: Portland Oregon

    racist or homophobic remarks?

    dude.. you just say that becuase you know you will NEVER suck #### as good as me. ((not that you probably want to suck ####.. but just saying)


    fight nature's law of minimal energyconsumption ;)

    You just need a healthy dose of insomnia in your life, will take care of that. Just finished building an amplfier switch, to switch my speakers between the 3 amps i have so i could do instant comparison. All relay driven, connects the amps that aren't in use to an 8 ohm load so that they don't fry... pretty damn sweet if I do say so myself.


    he states living in Oregon,

    I do.. and actually.. i'm the guy that took a trip to doomy's house! .. I can't catch the ####er home.. i've got a sandwhich for him.


    Sorry but I am not that crazy to cut a piece from a multi-layer PCB so that it will physically fit inside a tiny case (like he insists doing)

    when the hell did i insist that? did doomy say some stupid #### like that? I ws gonna just kick his ass over the low level format thing.. but i'll ####ing give him another kick in the jaw, IE make sure both sides are broken for something like that.


    can we lock this thread?

    If and only if i get shave your crotch sweetypie.


    iece of crap for that you need a soldering iron to keep working.

    funny you shoudl say that, your so goddamn clueless you don't realize your 3000 was the peice of ####, it did need soldering to keep running. Thankfully on the peg the battery is socket. .. tell.. how do your socks taste jackass?


    mainly because they have long ago given up to consider their computer a helpful tool for supporting someone's living.

    I dunno.. IMO its only these stupid unbathed hippy open source coders (can that be a registered racial slur too?) that expect their software to make peoples lives better. I'm a self servering asshole, this is true. Programing software just for the sake of helping others just results in #### software (I'll use the open source community as an example again). Actually i'm all for helping people, but its the give a man a hog and he will eat for a week. Teach him to farm pigs he'll eat for life.. but smell like hog ####. Its a no win situation in the end so you just pick the one you can put up with. Him bumming food off you every week, or the putz smelling like hog ####.. its a tough decision.. i've made mine though.


    I'm not keeping all the tools around that I'd require for bicycle repair, only some screwdrivers and an oilcan, but not more.

    uhh.. dude.. about $120 in tools is all it takes.. about 8 different ones, a pair of cone wrenches, a bottom bracket tool, a good set of allens, a spoke wrench, a sprocket wrench (if you have shimano, spanner if your old school), a sprocket holder (long handle with a chain on one end), and a chain wrench. Thats about all it takes... bike stands don't hurt though (fucking sweet infact). Guess my view of that is lopsided, i work as a machinist, I already own $3000 in tools. Oh add crank puller to that list.. bottom bracket isn't coming out none too easy with the damn crank arms still on it :)


    Tone it down a bit on the ethenol drenched comments.

    *polyhead hides the LOX*
  • »24.03.04 - 07:18
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2004/3/18
    > funny you shoudl say that, your so goddamn clueless you don't realize your 3000 was the peice of ####, it did need soldering to keep running.

    Sure, 10 years later. Let's see if the Pegasos can live up to that.
  • »24.03.04 - 07:28
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    I surrender. In the wise words of redrumloa: locky locky.

    MorphOS portal? www.MorphZone.org
  • »24.03.04 - 08:52
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  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    After checking with both major parties in this thread, I realized that they were bantering for fun. Since they aren't taking offence at one another, I'm UNLOCKING the thread.

    However, I will state this one final time: Do not make any more broad remarks that can be taken as racist, sexist, etc. Even if you are making fun of your own heritage--other people do not know this.

    That is all, resume the conversation ;-)

    MorphOS portal? www.MorphZone.org
  • »24.03.04 - 09:15
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2003/7/30
    From: Portland Oregon

    Sure, 10 years later. Let's see if the Pegasos can live up to that.

    well it was closer to 5 for most people, after that they started leaking. ACtually allot of them quit working after 3 years, then started leaking a few years later.. really it was a bad idea to EVER put a rechargable batter and assosiated circitry on a motherboard... but what ever. I guess it made sence then.. clock chips probably used way more power than they do now.

    I dunno.. The peg, eh, it'll do just like every other peice of hardware does these days, blow the capacitors up in 2-5 years time. It will probably live longer than x86 hardware for no other reason than there is less power running through there, and looks like a 3 phase regulator design, which for only a 17watt load is big time overkill. But 10years.. I wouldn't put money on it thats for sure. FAct is.. and maybe i should have pointed it out sooner.. its all #### IMO. Every last peice of hardware out there has something stupid about it.

    I'm just sick of people making the amiga out to be something it NEVER was. They wern't perfect, and Dave haynie is a drunk, we all know what beer farts smell like so don't even bother going there either. Personally the amazing part of the amiga was that they worked at all. I mean really.. it was bleading edge technology, and bottom barrel assembly. I don't care what it is.. you get what you pay for.. the amiga was cheap, and it was cheap for a reason. It was cheap and had better performance, allot better, but it was built like ####. In the corporate world they call it cost effective, or effecient.. I call using zip sockets and 120ns memory, soldered on clock batteries, and cludgy hacks. Look at the flicker fixer switch on an A3000 for ####s sake, the switch hasn't got a single bit of strain releive, the only thing between it and some moron ripping it off the board is .. well.. 3 1/8th inch 12 carat gold pins (yea their gold for real, check them dudes out!... too bad the switch is chinease crap.. never got that either) and some solder on a fairly sturdy motherboard (if only becuase it was ####ing huge.). All it takes is catching it on something during transport and there goes your board.

    I GUESS if you compare it dollar wise your doing better. what did a 3000 cost, 2 grand or so?.. the case work was definatly garbage, the board is debatable, and the OS had its fare share of glaring errors too. (better than anything else in 1990.. but that doesn't make it not suck) .. now for $400 or so you can get something thats no worse off than what you get in the pc world in the same world (maybe even a little bit better, its got nice connectors.. wish my ####ing pc boards had ejection connects! I'm sick of ripping my #### knuckles open on this crap!.. goes for case manufactururs too.. teach your child labor how to use a file you ####s! Better yet, get some dynafiles, those things rock! http://www.dynatoolsales.net/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=dtools&Category_Code=dynafile check that #### out!! no ####, you can grind through 1/2" of cast iron with it in a few seconds!) ..

    anyway.. I dunno no matter what you get your screwed really.. thats life.. so just get a toy that looks pretty.. its what all the mac people do. Becuase , IMO.. when you get right down to it, none of this crap is worth trading labor for.

    wonder how many emails targhan gets over the child labor bit....
  • »24.03.04 - 09:40
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2004/3/18
    The A3000 worked several years for me, and I never had to open the case. After opening the case it became annoying as ####. Flipping cards in and out did no good to the daughterboard, I got bleeding knuckles and fingertips from every SCRAM upgrade. The connectors weren't good either, I almost destroyed some over the years, it was always difficult to close the case without jamming, at some point the flickerfixer needed adjustment, etc. we can easily agree on this part, that no hardware is perfect, and probably I was just lucky that the stupid battery didn't leak earlier.

    I'm not worshipping to the A3000, but at least it did work for that long, and I was a happy customer. The EUR 3000 were well invested for a giant harddisk and a huge amount of RAM at their time, which kept me away from upgrading for a long time. This brings me back to my initial point. Hardware-wise I'm a clumsy fellow, and that's not due to a lack of practise, in fact I had dozens of wires soldered on my c64 and A500, because that was the way I had to practise soldering, that is, by repairing the damage I did elsewhere. :)

    I'm not complaining. YOU are complaining about people who are not willing to get a household, garage and parking lot full of tools and spareparts, saws, dremels and desoldering equipment, for repairing everything and their grandmother. I can understand this, because you are never getting some serious work accomplished if you have to take care, cater for and be slave of this ####ing hardware. Who are you to dictate how much other people should care for their stupid hardware? Obviously the Pegasos (like every non-mainstream computer) has some kind problem here, and just because you have a household full of geek tools doesn't mean there is no such problem for other people.

    A computer is a tool for me, just like a car or a bike. I'm not repairing this stuff either, I let a good service shop repair things for me, well if there IS one, of course. That's why I'm suggesting Macs to elder relatives, for example. If something breaks, they can visit their dealer, and presto.

    It's not only about the costs for the silly tools and the space I need for a proper workplace, it's mainly about not having to WORRY for this kind of crap. I have better things to do with computers, like getting some work done.

    Well, and regarding open source hippies... count me into this camp. Btw., what do you think where 99% of the tools from the MorphOS SDK derive? If you are a self-serving ######, you can probably write this stuff yourself, correct? And well, MorphOS, don't get me started on how much of it is allegedly taken from a certain open source project. I don't like to speculate on this.
  • »24.03.04 - 10:28
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2003/9/5
    From: Am*ga
    pixie - writing from a paradise called Portugal
  • »24.03.04 - 16:29
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2003/7/30
    From: Portland Oregon

    A computer is a tool for me, just like a car or a bike.

    Thats no way to treat a car or bike! See my bikes and cars and motorcycles aren't tools. They are, and more so than my computers, extensions of me. My car is a 1964 Dodge polara that pulls .92g on a skid pad. Yea.. a 3800lb car that sticks to the road like its glued there. Also runs the quarter mile in 12 seconds flat. I guess i consider what i do not only fun, but only fun if its done right, i get anoyed when i have to cludge things, and i'm annoyed when people cludge things. Doubly true when i see poeople half ass something just becuase doing it right cost $3 more! REALLY REALLY true when i see people blow money on a cludge when a better solution would have been next to free! I run 12 second quarter miles in that dodge.. and its 90% junkyard parts (car included, she was pulled from a salvage yard herself).


    count me into this camp. etc..

    well its not like all of its crap. Just 80% of it. And its crap becuase half those people don't actually use what they code. They want to be selfimportant so they code something just becuase otherpeople might use it... it'll end up #### everytime too. No what you gotta do is code something foryourself, and if it works for other people.. well , good. PERL is a good example of that too.
  • »24.03.04 - 19:27
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  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    PERL is an ugly nasty thing designed to do only one thing, make RegEx independant of whichever shell the coder is using. Any function beyond this is some kind of hack just thrown in. I can work with it, but I don't like it. I don't know the intentions of the author, but they shouldn't have bothered.

    MorphOS portal? www.MorphZone.org
  • »24.03.04 - 19:38
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  • T1k
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 18 from 2004/3/22
    From: Stockholm - Sw...
    Hehe n1 ple3003 :)
    Mind - Universe - Mind - Universe
  • »25.03.04 - 01:22
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 41 from 2003/4/7
    From: Åre - Sweden

    Hehe n1 ple3003 :)

    I you found that funny, BE SURE to take a look at this section! -LINK-

    hehe... :)
    I eat people like you for breakfast ;-)
  • »25.03.04 - 18:00