• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12097 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    >> AT in 1995 announced a Power Amiga for 1997

    > Petro said all kinds of things that weren't true. They were talking PowerPC then,
    > but doing absolutely nothing about it.

    Seems Petro doesn't like much being reminded of his own former announcements and rather choses to deny them today:

    "Robby: In the interview I did with Dave Haynie, he states: "[...] They've also made some bad decisions, like PowerPC, that seemed to have become a kind of religion in the Amiga community." It seems he wasn't too keen on the whole 1200 and 4000T and especially not on the PowerPC approach. How do you look back at the PowerPC and Amiga venture?
    Petro: The most important issue was finding a new future technology for AMIGA, and at that time Apple also was on Power PC. There was some strategy from third parties on Power PC, but Amiga never performed under my direction on the Power PC platform. I was only building up the Amiga OS from 3.1 to 3.5.

    He doesn't seem to remember that "his" OS3.5 was the AmigaOS version that introduced official PowerPC support (WarpOS).
  • »07.04.13 - 16:35