• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12093 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > The discussion of e5500 chips is interesting, but I am more
    > interested in seeing what is done with the e6500 designs

    Same here, but I found it worth reporting that Freescale seems to be able to eventually (almost) accomplish its design goal regarding the e5500 core's clock frequency as announced 2 years ago. That renders it even more probable that the 2.5 GHz design goal for the e6500 core in the QorIQ T5 will be met as announced a year ago.

    > that are reported to scale from single core, low power, low cost
    > SOC products, up to multi-core, multi-threaded workstation class
    > products.

    Actually, within the QorIQ AMP series, the family with the highest per-thread performance, which is the T5, is announced to not be the one with the highest amount of cores (that will be the T4) and to only have single-threaded e6500 cores (while the e6500 in T1 through T4 will be dual-threaded).

  • »08.05.12 - 09:58