• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12097 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > The Gateway version of Amiga, Inc. ran from 1997 until sometime in 1999.
    > Bill and fleecy founded their version of Amiga, Inc. that same year

    What I find interesting and haven't heard or read before is that in late 1999 Petro Tyschtschenko (head of Gateway subsidiary Amiga International) and Gateway had finalized a contract to transfer all Amiga assets (sans the patents I suppose) for the spectacular sum of $1. But before the appending of the signatures could happen, Amino turned up with 3 million USD and--not to anyone's surprise--was awarded the contract. Who knows what would have happened if Amiga had ended up in Tyschtschenko's hands instead of McEwen's, who Tyschtschenko then worked for for 15 months ;-)

    Sources: recent interviews with Petro Tyschtschenko (German; 1st interview MP3, 1st interview Ogg Vorbis, 2nd interview)

    Also there in more brief version:
    "Gateway asked me to find a new investor for Amiga. I suggested myself and Gateway agreed and some contracts were already drafted, but my investment was not that high and then Bill McEven showed up and made the deal."

    Since at least April 2008, Petro Tyschtschenko has been the head of THTF Europe GmbH (founded in early 2007), which is the German subsidiary of the Chinese Tsinghua Tongfang (THTF) company, which in turn happens to be a company Genesi had once worked with on new PPC hardware as well as the likeliest developer and manufacturer of Hyperion's announced OS4 netbook. It's really a small world ;-)


    Edit1: added link to another interview


    It seems there were two THTF Europe GmbH companies: THTF Europe GmbH Roedermark (HRB 42759) existing from early 2007 to early/mid 2010, and THTF Europe GmbH Muenster (HRB 88907), existing from early/mid 2010 to 6 months ago (March 2012) when it was liquidated.

    Edit3: Quote from another interview added.

    [ Edited by Andreas_Wolf 10.05.2013 - 03:37 ]
  • »12.12.11 - 02:47