• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 219 from 2010/5/15
    From: Norway
    The guide is well written and easy to read.
    There is also a MorphOS wikipedia which is quite informative. Easy to find as well, just google the two words, Morphos wiki.
    Perhaps there should be a link between the wikipedia and your page, and vice versa.
    The wiki seem to go into more technical details, but lacks the part about software compatibility that your page have.

    Ps. I see wordworth is still listed as compatible, is that correct? I could not get it to run properly.
    Also it could be worth mentioning that while E-Uae is freely available, the required kickstart rom file is not. As far as I know the only way to get that legally is to buy it from cloanto. Apart from ripping it from your old amiga yourself, which I think is to much hassle for many users.
  • »02.02.11 - 04:15