• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...
    I was "Out of the loop", away from everything Amiga for a few years, after the bankruptcy of Commodore & Escom. I stopped following Amiga news when Gateway failed to do anything with what they had purchased and I missed the whole Red vs Blue wars when that was going on, so when I started to renew my interest and got my Amiga's out of the closet again, I did not learn about MorphOS until a few months before version 2.0 was released. So, I can understand why some Amiga users from the "Old Days" might not know too much about what MorphOS is and what it is capable of. Then there are still some hard line Amiga users that did not bother to learn much of anything about MorphOS, just because it was not "official" and didn't have the name Amiga attached to it. I think more of those users are giving MorphOS a second look now because there is such a huge difference in prices between the new and proposed AmigaOS4.x hardware and the second hand Mac G4 hardware that can run MorphOS2.x.

    Let us all hope that more Amiga users will learn about and consider MorphOS2.x as a possible choice for their Next Gen Amiga. Larger user base = more incentive for the MorphOS Dev. Team to keep working on enhancing MorphOS and to continue porting it to more and better hardware, and more incentive for other developers to write new, or port existing, software to run natively on MorphOS.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »01.02.11 - 15:44