• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...

    srbin wrote:
    You are right, we can't know what are the plans of MOS team. What i would really like is that a sponsor like Genesi stands behind Morphos by giving them some money, so MOS can become cheaper, much cheaper.

    Yeah, it would be great if some investor would step in and support the development of MOS again, but I doubt it will be Genesi again. I think they have lost enough money trying to support MOS in the past. I do think that it might be possible to find someone else to support MOS as an investor now that 2.4 is released for the MacMini and that there is a good chance that 2.5 will run on the eMac and PowerBook, and maybe even the iBook. If 2.4 were presented the right way to an interested investor, they might be able to see it's potential and put forth some development money that could lower the license fee.


    With the price of 50-60 euros i believe that at least 1000 new users will arive. Most of them would be die-hard OS4 fans, others would be ex-amiga users interested in new OS for their old mac mini's.

    Yes, I agree at that price point there would be a flood of AOS4.x users and ex-Amiga users buying licenses for MOS, but you must also realize that the MOS Dev Team has already released the demo version that is fully functional at NO COST at all, for all of those mentioned people above to try MOS and decide if it is right for them. One of the problems is that no matter how unfair it is, a comparison between the the cost of a MOS license and that of OSX, Windows, and even AOS4.x and Linux will always influence some people. If the MOS team could lower the license fee so it could be closer by comparison to the other OSes, it will psychologically easier for some people to justify the purchase, even though the comparison is totally irrelevant.


    Also, new versions should be charged for 5-10 euros, not a cent bigger. So if mos team have a base of 2000 users x 5 euros = 10 000 euros. Not a big money for a team, but a big chance of fast expanding user base. I am pretty convinced that a 2000-5000 new users would come in a year or two.

    I have not paid for any new versions on my EFIKA, they have all been free updates, so I don't know what you are referring to, unless it is the cost to upgrade from version 1.4 to 2.0 and above, but I would think that everyone can understand that 2.0 was a big change that required a lot of work and should be seen like switching from Windows2000 to WindowsXP, or from OSX Tiger to Leopard.


    The big problem is actually a marketing. ex-amiga users can hardly know of MOS so a big campaign would be needed. Alos, a couple of guys should promote MOS on OSX sites, so people can become aware of it. It is a long-run but would be payed-of for sure.

    I totally agree that more marketing must be done, specially now that we have common hardware that everyone can find at a decent price and the fact that MOS2.4 flat out flies on the MacMini. Showing anyone a comparison of OSX Tiger, or Leopard to MOS2.4 on the same MacMini will be enough to impress even the worst skeptics. The lack of software is a problem, but there are enough apps and entertaining games to show that the viewer will not be left with the impression that there is NO software available. As well as more and better marketing of MOS2.4 on the MacMini, we desperately need to acquire more developers to write more and better apps and games. Getting developers interested in such a tiny niche market is more difficult, as the return on their investment of time coding will obviously be much lower, unless they can also compile there work for other platforms, so this is where we need to promote things like Cubic IDE, Hollywood, Hollywood Designer, gcc, etc. which can help in allowing development across multiple platforms, so we can show that any developer can include MOS (AOS4.x and AROS too) as part of his target audience, to increase his profits and as a way to draw him/her into a world of better computing.

    I will begin to promote MOS2.4 on MacOSX sites everyday and I hope that almost everyone here will do the same, but please do it responsibly, so people will be curious and interested in finding out what MOS2.4 is, not in an argumentative way, where you are stating how much better MOS2.4 is than MacOSX (because it is not, but maybe someday it will be, if we can ever make a comeback and get the investment capital and extra MOS Dev Team members that are needed to progress).
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »25.10.09 - 19:30