Paladin of the Pegasos
Posts: 1346 from 2003/6/8
From: USA California
(in advance this has no relevence at all to anyhting related to MOS or the peg so just a heads up.)
holly shit! after hours and hours of bitching at AOL and AIM employees over the course of 2 years, i got "poundsmack" back as my aim name! so "I am not chris n" and all those other crapy screen names will no longer be used! so update your budy lists. this proves that in life if you bitch and bitch your little heart out long enough EVENTUALY someone will be worn down to the point that they will help you. but as AOL's policy goes, "Apathy, if we dont take care of the costomer mabey they'll leave us the hell alone."
sorry but i felt a need to post this as it is my triumphant batter over big mega-corperations who dont give a damn about the little guy
[ Edited by poundsmack on 2004/10/12 2:13 ]
"Poundsmack, official morphzone thread creator" -LorD
"Wanna be lord of the avatars." -JKD