• vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 524 from 2003/11/25
    From: Belgrade

    takemehomegrandma wrote:

    However before the giant leap, or together with it, they need to go 64 bit and SMP and seems like X5000 (x1000 also as PPC64 sys?) and G5 PPC machines could be used to test it before move to x64

    Going 64-bit and SMP etc *is* the giant leap. This breaks the Amiga legacy compatibility, and "going x64" after that point is mereley a matter of compiling for this architecture instead of PPC. The X5000 is of no use. AFAIK they are developing it on a virtual machine, and whenever physical HW is needed, they should be able to use real x64 machines, right?

    Surely, old school goes 32bit sandbox VM, no prob there.
    But as if I get you, having MOS 4.0 PPC64 would be great start
    and yes, only G5, x1000 and potentialy X1000 and OpenPOWER is out there.

    I dont get you they develop x64 MOS on VM on MAC G5 / X5000?
    Shame, would be better for us to go PPC64 first and ... not vice versa.

    So they will

    a) DO it in a VM
    b) Test it on Intel x64
    c) Backport to PPC64

    That could be a cause of lot of ... at least in my perception.
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
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  • »04.05.16 - 00:42