• Just looking around
    Posts: 12 from 2016/2/19

    Intuition wrote:
    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    I'm so glad I registered at such a friendly site where opinion is freely expressed and people behave like mature adults...


    Cego wrote:

    dont get too pissed about non existing friendliness. Some MorphOS users tend to be arrogant, especially when you criticize.

    regarding pricing, i do understand your point. but this is a niche project with a handful of devs working in their freetime. it is not compatable with OS X or Windows.

    I too, think that the pricing scheme should change. I would be happy when they could lower the top-notch licenses (G5, PB G4) to somewhere in 70-80 Euros and iBooks, G4s, Efika etc to 40 Euros.

    Yeah I noticed what a friendly place this is when people don't share the opinion of the "established" users ;) Arrogant WAS an accurate description IMHo


    TheMagicM wrote:
    Same here.. I apologize for the comments to Cego. Wasnt warranted.

    Gosh... you realised being unpleasant to make your points made you look bad. Well done!
  • »24.02.16 - 14:48