• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 712 from 2006/5/28
    From: Germany

    Your original question was:


    "Go look at their hardware list and let me know how much it really costs to run OS 4."

    I tell you its 29,95 Euros


    "Weren't you also complaining earlier about the price of MorphOS being expensive..well I cringe the thought of you going ballistic after buying OS4.1FE for $30 then finding out you have to spend a few hundred just for a motherboard and all other things for it. LOL"

    Which is totally bullshit, because all you need is a x86 machine.

    Then you start complaining about how garbage OS4 on UAE is and thats its not even as fast as a CSPPC, which is also pure bullshit from your side. Its already way faster, in some aspects even faster than some NG Amiga models.

    And in case you wanna run MorphOS on new and available hardware, you'd have to pay even more.
    When it comes to the alternatives you are pretty much cheaper with OS4.


    I think you're trying to convince yourself that OS4 emulated and emulating in general is best for everyone. That your ideals are best. Its ok if people have opinions of their own. I'm not the only one wanting to use *REAL HARDWARE*. You dont need to try and convince me that emulation is the best. I'm not interested in what you think or think you know.

    Now this is really you in bestform of bullshitting. hahahaha

    I try to convince you? Thats how you comprehend what i say? Let me tell you this. I also wanna run MorphOS on real hardware and not emulated, but my personal taste isnt part of this discussion (at least from my side). I repeat it again for mentally retarded people like you: I am talking about the competitiveness of OS4.1 and MorphOS in general. Get it? it is not about my taste and my preferences.

    Maybe you and i dont wanna run MorphOS in an emulator, but maybe hundreds of thousands of WinUAE users. and theres a huge market now for OS4.1, which means that they got a huge advantage now. Thats my point, nothing more, nothing less. I dont care what you prefer and like and what not.
    And this is a huge plus for OS4.1.

    Oh and when its too expensive for you to run OS4 natively, then go and get a second JOB! Thats how you put it right?


    The problem nowadays is that everybody wants a fucking handout in the Amiga "world". Do they not have a JOB? If not, maybe they should get a second job because they cant afford buying an OS. $123 for MorphOS is alot?

    well, actually it is a lot. because it offers you almost nothing in todays standards. But hey, you and i know, that MorphOS users are paying it mainly because of the love and affection they have towards that system. Go out and tell some normal sane people that they can buy an 10+ old laptop to run an operating system which doesnt even have a modern office solution or memory protection and that they would have to pay another 111 Euro for that system to be unlocked.
    Everybodys doing it for the love and the enthusiasm of it. So just stop trolling against OS4. Some people like to spend 1000$, others are fine with a 300$ system. And both are overpriced for what they offer. period. But both options are just fine, theres nothing bad about it. i dont like OS4, just like AROS but i respect and tolerate everybodys decision. There is really no point in arguing about the price/performance ration in the amiga market.
    Come to think that 68k systems are even much more expensive. hahaha. I hope you wont start trolling at the classics now...

    And thanks for your "language" lessons, i do speak three languages and i'm pretty fine with that ;)

    you moron.

    [ Edited by Cego 22.02.2016 - 18:32 ]
    Pegasos II G4 @1.0GHz, 1GB DDR Ram, Radeon 9200Pro, 240GB SSD+160GB HD, MorphOS 3.18, AmigaOS4.1 FE, Debian 8
  • »22.02.16 - 18:23