• Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17

    OlafSch wrote:

    Nobody wants to use emulator? Funny thing... I do

    Reading comprehension. Go back and re-read what I posted... Wait.. I'll get it for you.


    TheMagicm wrote:
    Ultimately, who wants to run a Amiga-like OS in an emulator under Windows.

    Apparently you and Cego do not understand. There isnt a "?" at the end of that sentence. So its not a question. Let me get the actual paragraph for you (and Cego...he's really really slow).


    TheMagicM wrote:
    You hit the nail on the head. Ultimately, who wants to run a Amiga-like OS in an emulator under Windows. I'm with you Yasu, I dont. The last time I used WinUAE is to build a compact flash card with Workbench 2.1 for my Amiga 500 with a kipper2k board. If I didnt have that board, I wouldnt use WinUAE. So the last time I actually used WinUAE has been years, not even to play a game. I have an Amiga 500 for games, actual hardware. So if the other side is happy running WinUAE, more power to them. I dont care. I use MorphOS on *real hardware*, not emulated.

    Ok, what the above first couple of sentences are doing is me stating that what this OS4 emulation thing boils down to is "who wants to use an emulator" and "who wants real hardware". Reading comprehension. We are all here to learn, hopefully you and Cego now understand a little better?


    OlafSch wrote:
    Amiga hardware was way too expensive and outdated to be a option to me,

    Yea I know. I gave an example of using Amiga hardware. Cego said that if I'm "happy with 10 year old hardware and its limitations"... so I gave an example that I'm not unique in wanting REAL HARDWARE..not *EMULATED*. Yes my PB and G5 is old, so is an Amiga. Wanting the real deal is preferred to *me*.


    Cego, I dont care if you or anyone else like OS4 emulated. Thats great. I really have no problem with it. I

    As far as emulation.. replace "Cego" with your name. Again, I dont care if you like to use an emulator. Have at it. I am happy with my hardware.


    it doesnt compete on YOUR hardware? are we now measuring competiveness of two systems based on YOUR hardware? a little egocentric of you... or ignorant whatever.
    i dont care what your personal taste is. you are not representing the whole community. i am talking here about competition in general.

    I think you're trying to convince yourself that OS4 emulated and emulating in general is best for everyone. That your ideals are best. Its ok if people have opinions of their own. I'm not the only one wanting to use *REAL HARDWARE*. You dont need to try and convince me that emulation is the best. I'm not interested in what you think or think you know.


    Cego wrote:
    lol! i understand you pretty well.


    Cego wrote:
    but anyway what you say is contradictory. First you say "who wants to use emulators" as an argument against the competitiveness of OS4, now you say you were only talking about yourself. sorry sir, but you're talking BS.

    LMAO. You idiot.. you said you understood what I said. Now I know you didnt. Fool, go read the beginning of this reply. Nowhere did I state "who wants to use emulators". Reading comprehension. I'm here to teach. You are my student.

    Now do I really need to break down every sentence I write. English isnt THAT hard to understand.
  • »22.02.16 - 12:52
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