• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 165 from 2004/11/18
    For me there is no compétition btw os4 and morphos in terms of hardware for sure. The best way to use morphos or os4 on PC is to build à pegasos2 emulator. Using virtualisation for graphic card and sound support. The problem of winuae is that it's limited to cyberstorm card limitations. Ppc on winuae is only a proof concept. For morphos i think that envolving the os whith more fonctions (midi support,opengl shaders...,CUPS or another printing system) is a need at short time. Some more hardware support can also be interesting. (X5000,IMac G5...). In the same time the code of many parts should be made to be portable for MosNg ...
  • »22.02.16 - 11:59