• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 456 from 2003/4/4
    From: South of heaven
    There are many people on the web (and in real life) that are damned annoying but one persons annoyance is another's sense of humor or way of dealing with things.

    Grow up - if Poly breaks any specific rules, repeatedly then I'm sure the mods will act appropriately. Until then, use some maturity and just recognize that Poly is "Young, (not so) dumb and full of...." Well, if you don't know the saying then I'm not explaining it to you.

    Amongst the f'ing and blinding, Poly actually had a point - if I may be more eloquent:

    1. If you are a user/artist/whatever with little computer knowledge then you really have no need to mess with the default configuration. If you don't have the knowlede then don't mess. If you desire to learn then find someone to teach....moving on up to grade 2:

    2. If you are an enthusiast then you probably have the skills to do it and have built several computers, added cards, manuf. or modded cases etc. Heck you might even have an EE or CS degree....moving on up to grade 3:

    3. If you are a geek....get back to your rev linux kernel mod! :-D

  • »16.03.04 - 20:30