• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 459 from 2003/8/30
    From: universe, milk...
    WHAO! ok, boys, let's not fight.
    Man, Polyhead, are you having a bad hair-day or what???

    I understand you are frustrated, but the only way to solve a problem is to talk it out. and sometimes people miss something that is obvious to others. it happens - even to me! :lol: :lol:

    I see computers as a puzzle: the fun part is figuring it out. and I'm not a programmer or a tech-head. the reason I got involved with Amigas in the first place was because it was the 1st computer that could be used by artists to create art!
    as long as one keeps in view the reason for our "love" of amiga and anything like amiga, we can stay focused on what is important.
    questions are good.
    "if you ever slam anyone, for anything, somehow you always end up eating shoe" Targhan
  • »16.03.04 - 20:11
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