• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12097 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany

    >> Petro said all kinds of things that weren't true. They were talking PowerPC then,
    >> but doing absolutely nothing about it... maybe that was Petro's cozying up to
    >> Phase V to have something to sell.

    > Now you're being unfair towards Tyschtschenko here when you make it seem like this
    > "Power Amiga" thing was his pet idea alone. This press release is from November 1995
    > when Amiga Technologies still had a dual leadership consisting of both Petro
    > Tyschtschenko and Stefan Domeyer. And it seems they had the blessing of their boss
    > Manfred Schmitt, founder and chairman of Escom, who said only 4 days later: [...]

    Interesting info from Dave Haynie:

    "Amiga Technologies [...] contracted me to consult with them [...]. Andy Finkel was brought in similarly, to lead software development. We each presented proposals. Mine included two custom chips, "Pebbles" and "Bam-Bam", to define a PowerPC-based system on the level of an Amiga 500 or Amiga 1200, something that could sell for US$500 by1998. [...] Andy and I were in Germany, and while there, Amiga Technologies has kind of a PowerPC get-together. I had submitted a revised article, called "Power Amiga Strategy Report" [...]. This was in response to Amiga Technologies consideration of higher-end PPC systems as well. This also includes "The Power Amiga's" by P. Gillespie at ESCOM, which calls out a whole slew of systems for Amiga Technologies to build -- Mr. Gillespie was definitely more fanboi than engineer (I wasn't sure AT would have the resources to build whole new PPC system, at least if custom chip work -- via partners like IBM and Motorola -- were done). This folder also includes [...] a set of notes from Heinz Wrobel, who [...] suggested doing AmigaOS for PowerPC new from scratch, and completely off-the-shelf hardware [...], and a big presentation on "AMIGA PowerPC" from phase 5. The only note I took on that sheet: "What have these guys been smoking?". They got really deep into wanting a really fast Zorro IV custom expansion bus (at that point, there was absolutely no reason to use anything but PCI). They also has a feature list for graphics which was basically what AAA did, only with full hardware windowing... in short, another 3-5 year project. [...] Finally, this includes [...] a copy of the "Goal Definition and Sign Up" that we all signed: "The major aim is to provide a real competitive alternative to the Intel/Microsoft Monopoly."

    Some photos:
  • »01.03.15 - 21:08