• Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1915 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.

    redrumloa wrote:

    BTW, I now longer support jettisoning legacy compatibility.
    After all, if we support the 3.1 API, we ought to support legacy code.

    And besides, there are a few old Amiga apps I'm rather fond of.

    That's why we have UAE. 8-)

    I held that opinion until about 2 years ago. Now I think it is time to sh** can compatability in order to move forward. Most important PPC based apps are being maintained and can be ported. There is very little I will miss that can't be run under UAE(Due to PPC).

    That's all future anyhow, we still have G5 support upcoming. G5 will satisfy our PPC nostalgia for good. After G5, there is nowhere else to go on PPC.

    Im in the same camp as Red here now. Do the Apple thing and just dump the legacy support to advance and move on to bigger and better things.
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  • »15.12.14 - 16:29
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